Former Poetry Editors Take Country By Storm

by Corey Van Landingham, Poetry Co-Editor

So remember when I said Jacob and I have big shoes to fill following the departure of Mario Chard and Josh Wild as Poetry Editors? Well, as we all know here at Purdue, their prowess doesn’t stop at putting together stellar issues of Sycamore Review.

In a couple of weeks, Mario will begin the first year of his Wallace Stegner Fellowship. California dreaming, indeed! We wish we were there to pack him a lunch on his first big day.

And Josh’s poem “Self-Portrait after Paul Morphy’s Stroke” appeared in the May 2011 issue of Poetry. He’s not “all thumbs” at all!

Dang. It’s getting hot in here, and it’s not just this dreaded heat wave.

We’re all incredibly proud of these guys, though we know that we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.